Let’s go to war!
What is WriterWars?
WriterWars is a fun and friendly writing competition I’m doing with my friends that you are invited to join! The basic concept is simple: fill prompts and earn points for your team. The team with the most points at the end of the two weeks is the winner! This year, the teams are Pens versus Pencils!
Okay, but how does it work?
It starts with a prompt.
When WriterWars kicks off on September 15th, each writer will have the option to submit up to 5 prompts for their team. These prompts will be displayed here on the WriterWars page for you to find and fill. Filling a prompt from the other team will earn your team points! You can post it to Instagram, Facebook, or Archive of Our Own, you can read it out loud on Tiktok or YouTube, or even post it to your own author platform. As long as you can tag it with #writerwars and submit that you have written the prompt then your team will get the points. I will be updating this page daily with team point totals so you can check how your team is doing.
Once September ends, I’ll recheck all the submissions, post the final scores, and we’ll have our first WriterWars winners!
Some details…
To sign up: Head over to the contact page and submit your details with WriterWars in the subject.
To share: This is only as big as we make it. Send it to your friends if you want them to write too!
To start: I’ll send an email to everyone on the list on September 10th. Once you confirm that you are ready for war, I’ll start accepting prompts and inform participants of their teams! (I’ll be assigning teams randomly)
To write: Once September 15th hits, I’ll publish all the submitted prompts here! You can fill any prompts, but only prompts from the opposing team will net your team points. Publish your completed work on any platform, tag it with #writerwars and email me to let me know you’ve submitted a prompt.
To win: write as much as you can! Fill prompts and have fun! I’m hoping this is good fun and prep for Nanowrimo.