The Gods
In the beginning, there was the Stormy Mountain, the Great Tree, the Everflowing Waterfall, and the Eternal Flame.
The elder gods used the Stormy Mountain as their home before leaving this plane to return to theirs. Still, the winds of heaven swirled in and around the mountain with their residual power. In the crevice on the highest peak, the wind swirled together the rocks on the surface until they chipped to sand. From that sand formed the body of the god Zephyr when lighting stuck. Zephyr held the lighting in his hand, and bent it into the shrine that powers him. He carries the storm with him always, and can change his fighting style as the heavens demand.
The winds of heaven change suddenly; but it will not break the tree that can bend
Heaven locked the Eternal Flame in a cage, for it was afraid of its power. Unwilling to be contained, the fire roared and seared until the cage melted into pieces. Needing to be protected, the buried lava melded together to formed the God A-Dan and filled his lungs with the breath of fire. Every few centuries, A-dan must return to breathe in the flame that sustains his body. He carries part of the cage around his neck to remind him of his duty to protect the Eternal Flame.
Fire knows no law and no evil, it simply eats for it is hungry.
The Great Tree dropped a seed larger than any before one spring. From that seed, the goddess Dhara came to life. She grew as a tree in the shape of a woman, spending centuries watching life flourish and learning what she is meant to protect. When her lesson was fully learned, her bark grew soft and she burst from it. She still keeps her flowering branch with her, a branch that acts as her mighty bow. It is said that Dhara sometimes hardens her skin into bark, and sleeps in the forest for decades, recharging her strength, during that time, her elk wanders the land, acting as her eyes and ears.
One must feel the earth to know himself and recognize their values. The Gods made life simple. It is us who complicates it.
It is said that Cordelia’s is the last face a sailor sees if he dies at sea. Daughter of the sea and mother of all else, Cordelia willed herself into existence when the elder gods left the Ohuru. As fluid as the waters that birthed her, Cordelia can shift into many forms, and has been known to appear to others as mermaids, sea creatures, and more. She values tranquility above all else, but can be deadly when angered. It is believed that she once covered the world in water to purify it, and the rivers are remnants of when the whole world was underwater.
Nothing is softer or more yielding than water, yet nothing may overcome it.