September, 2021, WriterWars Ally Marr September, 2021, WriterWars Ally Marr

Watch (A6)

The sounds of the night draw his attention, but they can be easily dismissed. Fluttering wings, chirping bugs, and the hoot of an owl can be ignored. The Empire’s soldiers announce themselves with the sound of chains grating against each other and the snapping of metal armor as they march.

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WriterWars, General, September, 2021 Ally Marr WriterWars, General, September, 2021 Ally Marr

Songbird (C6)

Her hands wrap around the golden bars of her cage. So much gold, so much time went into its construction, but the Little Lord was making a statement that went far beyond her. She looks down to where a chain holds her feet to the ground so that not even her wings could carry her away from him.

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Erotica, July, 2021 Ally Marr Erotica, July, 2021 Ally Marr


They haven’t gotten along since he betrayed her, but now she’s hurt as a result of them being out of sync.

He will fix that, even if all she wants is to fight. Fighting usually leads to something else anyway.

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Erotica, July, 2021 Ally Marr Erotica, July, 2021 Ally Marr


“Say it again,” she said. “Just so I’m sure.”

“I consent.”

Unrei didn’t feel any different for a heartbeat, for two, he began to wonder if she’d use her power at all when he felt it explode in his body. He let out a heedy moan at the feelings coursing through him.

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short, general, February, 2021 Ally Marr short, general, February, 2021 Ally Marr


Xander slips past the castle security with ease. They aren’t looking for anyone sneaking out, and hopefully they’ll be too tired to catch him sneaking back in later.

He dons his new outfit, and with it, his new persona.

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2021, February, Gen Ally Marr 2021, February, Gen Ally Marr


“Oh, nasty.” Yim looks up from the base of the traveler’s shrine to see Wist in front of him. Wist grins, sharp white teeth against dull pale features, before they speak. “You’re still the orc?”

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